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Vaping is an activity done by the species known as β€œthe 14 yr old attention whore who self diagnosed herself with anxiety and depression” and vaping is as bad as smoking

Me: aye ugly bitch with the primary color highlights

Bitch with the highlights: fuck you nigga you don’t know me *hits vape*
Me: fat bitch

by sc:og.shazzlefraze aka Jamal February 15, 2018

18πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


(v.) Virtually raped.

Lela: I added my Omegle friend on Skype! c:
Emily: Dude, you're gonna get Vaped!

by browniekiller September 29, 2013

61πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž


Used to tell people you are going somewhere, or you have to leave. Refers to the term "vapourize"

Can be used as a replacement for the terms ; "dip", "dipset", etc.

founded by MAESHA, MOHINI, ANISHA & somewhat by HARDEEP

"If the bus dont come in 5 more minutes im VAPE"

"i hear my mom coming up the stairs im vape"

by maeshaa March 5, 2008

88πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž


A faggots version of a hookah

Gayboy: Hey man, you should stop smoking hookah a new thing called vape came out
Straight guy: nah man, only fags vape, I'm gonna stick to smoking my shisha

by Dark Random November 29, 2019

10πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A strange practice that involves fully grown adults blowing scented water vapour into the atmosphere from a phallic styled vaping device.

Some say vaping is a healthy replacement for a traditional cigarette.
Others say vaping just makes you look like a knob.

Person A: I love vaping, this new summer fruits liquid is the nuts.

Person B: Wtf, you're a fully grown adult walking around blowing summer fruits scented water vapour into the air?!
Person A: Yea, me & all the cool kids love a Vape.
Person B: Is that the same cool kids who enjoyed a cheeky smoke behind the bike sheds in school & now wipe down my table in Mcdonalds?
Person A: Do you want fries with that?

by jumparound00 August 14, 2016

351πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


The quickest way to make all your friends hate you.

Guy 1: bro I just bought this new juice called strawberry cheesecake.. Do you wanna go behind the school and start vaping with me and billy?
Guy 2: no... Kill yourself Chad

by BrerMason May 22, 2016

316πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


The process by which one inhales vapour from a personal vaporiser, or e-cig.

Used instead of 'smoking' to describe the action of someone sucking on the business end of an e-cig instead of a death stick

Obama really ought to quit smoking and start vaping.

by El Cucurucho Grande January 14, 2009

425πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž