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A Term to be used a just pretext for Unjust conflict when no other reason is Available or Other reason is Morally wrong.

"I should bust him right in the face"
"Why, For his money?"
"..Uh.. No.. The M-F got WMD kid"
"Word?? Do that S^&t!!"

"Bill why'd you bash Bob's windows in like that?"
"He had WMD"
"OOOH.. well in that case.."

by Platinum Pistolz June 15, 2004

20๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The abbreviation of the following phrase: We are Mostly Dumb.

Guy#1: Hey did they find them WMDs in the Middle East?
Guy#2: Actually, they can be found in America.

by Anthony Lurgio March 1, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something American intelligence found evidence of in Iraq. We also found mustard gas, which is a type of low level WMD.

America: Oh SHIT. Saddam mustard gassed the kurds, he could do that to us. Grab the WMD's!

by exdeath64 May 8, 2009

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W's Momentus Disaster

What a Military Disaster! The search for WMD's turned into W's Momentus Disaster!

by Paul J Parkinson September 11, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


weapon of mass disruption: something or someone that causes a massive reaction in public.

The guy that caught the ball during the cubs game was a weapon of mass disruption. witness the amount of objects hurled at him.

by nolipz the midnight marauder October 23, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Weapons of Mass Dickery - Referring to someone else's dick as a Weapon of Mass Destruction because youre assuming or certain that its big. You never say out loud tho because you shouldn't be out there discussing a niggas's dick size, especially in-front of another nigga. Like lol dude what are you doing? (Created by sussus twitter niggas.)

Optimus: Man im never letting my dick out again, did end well for the last girl i pulled it out for.
Jamal: Yo niggas be having a WMD and lowkey be promoting
Optimus: We not friends nomore.


Jamal: So we was Netflix and Chilling and i decided to hit her with that my WMD...
Tumi: Get out my fucking house breh

by svdgod June 28, 2016


A WMD, which stands for "weapon of mouth destruction," is an enormous lip full of chewing tobacco packed by a bro whilst chaying with his bros. WMDs are even bigger than gaggers --- this shit is legit.

Me and Jackson were chayin' last night and he packed a fucking WMD, dude. Filled a whole fucking Poland Spring with dipspit.

by atforpres June 1, 2011

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