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Werewolfing: the time of a woman's monthly cycle.
Mensturation, Period, aunt Flo, moon time, red river, the curse

Buffy wanted to go out with her boyfriend but she was werewolfing...it was that time of the month.

by memphocat February 19, 2016

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The process of masturbating under a full moon and howling wildly at the moment of climax.

steve: Did you see the moon last night?

Bob: Is that even a question? I was out werewolfing like it was my job.

by mikey forks January 10, 2012

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A mythical being, that is half man, half wolf. By popular belief, they can only shift into a werewolf on a full moon.

Oh my god, is Ryan a werewolf?

by TriWillows June 27, 2016

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1. A type of, otherkin, that don't want to be labelled furry. Their fursonas may look like werewolves, but watch out! For the otherkin never draw themselves as their human form, therefore making their fursonas, regular fursonas. See also: Dillusional, Fursona, and In Denial

2. Buff guys, that turn into 6' tall wolves. In the transition to their wolf form, they shed all their clothes, yet, when they transition back into their human form, they magically grow them back. It has been said, that this is due to the fact that their genitalia is abnormal, and as an act of sympathy, some wizard enchanted them with the power to grow pants. These werewolves are basically perfect. You will never find one of these in the real world, so if you want to find one, look in some badfics. See also: Gary Stu, and Mary Sue.

3. Lumberjacks that live deep in the forest. They have been bitten by a werewolf, thus carry the disease. They live far away from society, in order to keep from killing every single living being. This method works, only if the werewolf lives somewhere in Canada. Every full moon, the lumberjack undergoes a transformation into a wolf man, bent on making a good meal out of innocent civilians. This only lasts the night, and in the morning, the lumberjack usually wakes up naked, surrounded by blood. The only way to kill a werewolf, is to shoot it with a silver bullet. See also: Badassery, Lumberjack, Canada, and Freaky Shit!

1. Furry: Oh hai! It's good to see another furry around!
Otherkin: I'm not a furry, god damnit! I'm a werewolf!
Furry: Then where's your human form?
Otherkin: ... ... I can't draw humans?

2. Jacob Black, is one of them new fangled werewolves...

3. If you're ever walking through, the Canadian woods, on the day of a full moon, and you see a lumberjack... run to the nearest city, and buy a revolver, with silver bullets.

by The_Exuberant_Face August 16, 2010

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Sexy men and women that have the ability to change into huge wolves and kill anyone who crosses their path. They come in many shapes and sizes so don't underestimate them.

Guy: ''Damn that werewolf girl is sexy.''
Friend: ''Yeah i know sooo hot.''

by Sadies Adolpha November 17, 2012

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The act of drinking too much and eventually blacking out. After effects can include: blurring of the night and huge messes around the home that cannot be accounted for the next morning.

Derek: Dude do you remember us running home from the bar last night?

Danny: Barely, it was a huge blur and I cant even remember what happened when we got back. Why is there puke inside a box of cracklin oat bran!

Derek: We werewolfed it last night bro.

by Subzero now plain zero February 9, 2011

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A human that has the ability to willingly or unwillingly change into the appearance of a wolf. They are easily mistaken for a lycan or lycanthrope. A werewolf is different in every story and myth, but in most, they are affected by the full moon. Some werewolves have different appearances, like a man's body and a wolf head, or just a simple large wolf. Usually, the werewolf cannot control itself when in wolf form on a full moon.

Luke had no intentions of being a werewolf. He would much rather have a normal life.

by SWAGITASTIC June 13, 2015

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