A weird individual who refuses the fact that he is a ginger, even though everyone keeps reminding him. The love of his life is estragon, and he developed this live during the six months he worked as a cook.
Look at Math Rasmussen, what a ginger
Sexy af. Getting laid every day. rich as hell.
robin rasmussen is hot
Jeffrey Rasmussen seems like a simple person, but like the name is more complex then they seem. Jeffrey Rasmussen is loyal, funny, geeky (not nerdy) and ok with it. Jeffrey Rasmussen has looked for other Jeffrey’s in the world and knows with a name like that all of them would be a fun person to hangout with. Jeffrey Rasmussen is the one that everyone loves to be around because he is loyal, caring, and honest to a fault. Jeffrey has seen many things in life and understands people better than 90% of the human population. In a group of friends Jeffrey Rasmussen is the one who entertains, the crowd.
Jeffrey Rasmussen can be a 3rd wheel, 5th wheel, or 2nd wheel. He is also perfectly fine being the lonesome wheel on the side of the road hanging out with nature.
If this isn’t the most accurate statement about Jeffrey Rasmussen then we suggest you just stick with the plain name Jeff.
Kudos to all the Jeffrey Rasmussen’s in the world.
“Wow that Jeffrey Rasmussen…that’s it just wow that Jeffrey Rasmussen”