chav heaven, provided you love god. Based in stafford.
girls here are slags, boys here are weebs or console peasants/PC elitists
guy 1: Hello
bwh student: u wot m8 ill shank ur nan
guy 1: Blessos?
bwh student: ye i went blessed william howard high school
William Henry High School is a school in Ohio of about 1,400 students. The school has little going for it except for a bunch of crappy sport teams and some nerdy clubs that nobody goes to. The school was actually named in honor of some obscure president that nobody has heard of and whose only accomplishment was to croak after being in office only a month. The school became sort of famous in early 2015 when it was discovered that just about every girl in the school had been passing out nudes and real explicit porn to just about every guy in the school. Apparently this had been going on for years and hundreds of nudes were circulating around the school and town. Of course the administration at the school claimed they knew nothing about it but the slutty girls were told to stop being such naughty hoes, or at least be a bit more quiet about being naughty hoes and passing out the porn. Nobody was charged and it's unknown how many hoe girls are still making and passing around nudes and nasty porn. And even with all the publicity over the sexting and nudes, nobody still knows who the hell William Henry Harrison was.
William Henry Harrison High School is named after someone nobody has heard but it sure has a lot of hoes that love to pass out some serious nudes and porn.
2074👍 18👎
Fucking cancer. Pray you never get sent there. With such a bad rabbit effect, few white people, (with the ones that are there being racist) and a useless ass teaching staff, honestly one of the shittiest schools, with one of the highest suicide rates.
Boy 1: "You went to William B. Travis high school? Jesus Christ you dropped out didn't you."
Boy 2: "Too many blacks. Sister committed suicide. Couldn't handle the rabbit effect as most of the women there are straight up whores. Fuck that school man."
secondary school in astoria, queens filled with asians , hindus , blacks & spanish people . nothing ever works , its overcrowded and you only have a disgusting smelly gym locker which will most likely get broken into. its ghetto in every aspect you could imagine. oh , and the mascot is an owl. hoot hoot
William C. Bryant high school sucks.
21👍 3👎
A high school where girls suck mad dick in the staircase , where scholars become dropouts, where every staircase has a valid door with no alarm to go through , where they call your parents every fucking period YOURE late or absent. A high school where everybody where’s uggs especially the LOW TOPS. Where everyone thinks it’s a fashion show everyday , where every bitch smokes in the bathroom and niggas who try so hard to get it with bitches. Where you’ll get robbed if you don’t lock your locker by broke niggas who can’t even afford an iPhone 5. Where niggas buy viigos in the deli and think they grown
Yo I just got my dick sucked in staircase I in William C. Bryant high school
A school where nobody heard of until you get there seems pretty good from the outside. A place where there is a synagogue church and mosque are all on the same block. Right next to the hood. People from all over the world. Where the fucking school calls your parents everytime your late to class. Where the teachers have a fat ass and wear what ever the fuck they want. Try to make us a smart school but the zoned people there are retarded. Bitches suck dick in the stairs and lots of feens there also. All in all a crazy experience. Except the gang shit.
William Cullen Bryant High School is amazing
2👍 1👎
The FUNKIEST school in all of Plano. Admin fucking sucks and they only care about girls violating their stupid ass dress code. This school doesn’t communicate for shit. how hard is it for these fatties to check their email?
Full of teachers that do not teach and kids that love smoking weed.
Make sure to not go into the boys bathroom by the cafeteria because you will find dingleberries and coke residue. Everyone that goes to this school is destined to become either a stripper or a fatass that only watches south park.
Hey what high school did you go to?
Williams High School!!
Kill yourself .