a strange being that is rumored to have a strange set of eye brows half way up his forehead. legend has it that they will help everything they see until the world has been helped
"wow look at those eyebrows, they remind me of matthew woodward"
A Man typically of Asian dissent, Who is Unusually attracted to minors.
Dylan Woodward took that youngling into the bathroom an hasn’t been scene since.
When you wake your wife/ girlfriend up in the middle of the night and give her a Clive Woodward style breakdown of the game, backed up with stats.
Wake Anya up and give her a Clive Woodward.
Woodward's Rule, named after famed, Tampa trial attorney Timothy D. Woodward (where the "D" stands for "Drink, Drank, Drunk"), is the rule by which an alcohol-consumption, mathematical constant is defined. The constant represents the maximum rate at which bourbon or whiskey can be consumed before the consumer's blood alcohol level reaches a critical level. The constant is stated as a function of time and as a derivative of both body weight and the number of 750 mL bottles of bourbon which the consumer has emptied in the past 180 days.
When the bartender invoked the Woodward's Rule, Eric Page became belligerent when we was informed that he could only have 12 Bulleits in a 45 minute window. Page screamed, "Damn that Woodward's Rule! Foiled again. Weigh me again. You got my "weight-to-empty-bottle ratio" wrong. There is no way that I only weigh 175. I have been kickboxing at 5:00 a.m. every morning for 11 years. Muscle weighs more than fat."
A female name of welsh decent, typically short person under five foot three with curley hair has a very big heart and is friendly to all.
With all of these pros the one con is that she has a very low iq under 80
Wow, you are weird you’re such a Karys Woodward
leighton woodward is a girl who is crazy,funny,and really clumsy, she will normally have dark brown hair or light brown hair, she is really sarcastic so don’t get offended when she says something rude like you look like a grandma when your mad at leighton woodward the best thing to do is get up and dance with her and have the time of your life but if you want to be leighton woodward’s best freind just have good music taste and watch a ton of movies with her.
omg i just watched the best movie you should watch it Leighton woodward told me about it