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Wurd is like saying true

Friend 1: Last night was crazy
Friend 2: WURD!

by BlackGuyJiggy&BlackGirlSamanta August 22, 2022


a form of a word that is pronounced as the original word but the spelling is broken up. eg: 'siense' is science in wurd form, and 'drif' is drift in wurd form etc. normally used with a fictional character known as meme man.

wurds are used to describe someone engaging in something without skill or experience. usually applied to past memories of someone as a child or a child doing something that grown ups would do amatuerishly

using wurds to describe my childhood life to add some humour to my friends

by ~[,,_,,]:3 January 18, 2024


Slang for Ok, fine, alright...found by NV

Are you cool with this? Answer-Wurd

by Navivi August 9, 2019


a word that is made using the Urban Dictionary.

People make so many strange wurds.

by Cleveland Brown's Son March 27, 2017


a word that people say when they think someone is a weird person, especially modern-day rappers.

Rapper #1 Yo watch this my guy
Rapper #2 you're so wurd

by #1 Victory Royale February 3, 2019