Friend 1: Last night was crazy
Friend 2: WURD!
a form of a word that is pronounced as the original word but the spelling is broken up. eg: 'siense' is science in wurd form, and 'drif' is drift in wurd form etc. normally used with a fictional character known as meme man.
wurds are used to describe someone engaging in something without skill or experience. usually applied to past memories of someone as a child or a child doing something that grown ups would do amatuerishly
using wurds to describe my childhood life to add some humour to my friends
Slang for Ok, fine, alright...found by NV
Are you cool with this? Answer-Wurd
a word that is made using the Urban Dictionary.
People make so many strange wurds.
a word that people say when they think someone is a weird person, especially modern-day rappers.
Rapper #1 Yo watch this my guy
Rapper #2 you're so wurd