A fat, lazy prick who like oily men kissing. He is also a bit autistic
He is fat, he looks like an Yvan
Adam: Is that Yvan?
Camille: Yes its the huan and hoely, asian persuasion
She/he is a hardworking person yet lazy when it comes to choires and getting along with it's schedules, she/he has a great vibe and id Yvan is your friend she/he wont leave you, she/he is sweet and an animal lover
I love being Yvan once in a lifetime.
Lord Damien is our saviour of all death. With his meaty thighs he can destroy anything in his path. He is very meaty and strong and has a 20 inch cock bigger that frazer wallaces big black cock.
He is amazing that you will ever met. He is the man that will stand at the pinnacle of the sea someday.
Yvan Ryan is a wonderful person.