A person’s vigorous and undying loyalty of something they know is bad or low quality, yet they continue to support it in futile hope that their favorite celebrity, television show, place, ect. may someday recover from its lowest point; either out of pity, nostalgic attachment, or everlasting love to the thing, they refuse to accept the reality that the light of their light ended up being so poorly conceived, like a beloved television show that started out as an amazing concept with gorgeous animation and complex characters slowly devolving into nothing but nonsensical toilet humor and animation quality of the poorest form, undeserving of any praise whatsoever, or an inspirational celebrity or idol who revealed their true colors as a dishonorable and an awful human-being, but they manage to look past those important flaws in order to continue loving it, longing for nothing but to see better days for it.
As the seasons of the show progressed, all my friends concluded that the quality of the show got worse and worse, and although I saw where they were coming from, I zarked it too much to fully agree with them
Zarked, otherwise known as "Zonked" or "Zanxed", means to be absolutely brain dead and trippin balls. Typically used when someone is drop-dead drunk or high out of their mind, but it can be used for anything, as long as you're smelling colours and reading voices.
"Duuuuuude, I'm like... toootaaally Zarked rn..."
"Dawg go tf to sleep"
A word that is mostly used by "Hara People", to describe someone's situation when lying .
"طلّعت غزال ٢٠٠كغ بصنارة"--> implicit Zarke