Where do we start? She's cute, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, attractive, stunning, lovely, charming, adorable, enchanting, and the list can go on forever. She's the best person you could ever ask for in the entire world. I can go on and on till forever, explaining every single thing about her, but I have a word limit I'm stuck to.. thats unfortunate.
This is so perfect!
What's perfect?
Shaden Zein.
a fucking slut that fucks all the guys in sydney and also loves dirty trumpet
condell park boys that fuck zeins mum
4đź‘Ť 1đź‘Ž
Zein el din is the skinniest motherfucker in the world. He is usually pared with the word “pussy”. He is very smart but very weak. Usually doesn’t have a lot of money but uses the money he gets on drugs. He also likes things in his butt and says the n-word a lot.
Oh look, zein el dins skinny ass is coming.
a lovely boy with a shy personality, someone who went through rough times but still kept a wide smile just to make you happy :D
A pink zebra that farts bagels out of its pee hole
did you see that thing zeines