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Mocker Focker

A person who does something that they once fervently mocked you for doing.

Last week:
Steve: Dude -check out Angry birds, its so fun and addicting!
Jay: Phone game apps are so stupid -who has time for that crap?

This week:
Jay: I played Angry Birds last night till 2 AM!
Steve: You are such a mocker focker!

by Steve Slacker September 7, 2011

cocker mocker

One who mocks the cock by the dock :(

Sarah: Your cock is not poggers

Octavian: Sorry but why at the dock babe :(
Sarah: You brought the cocker mocker wrath on yourself

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022

Mocker Gods

Also known as the Mockers these are ethereal beings who ensure that those who proudly boast will come un-done. Most often used in a sporting context i.e. if a fan proudly or arrogantly proclaims that their team will win then the Mockers take notice and ensure a loss for their team.

This may lead to appeasement of the Mocker Gods where fans will feign humility even going so far as to claim underdog status in an attempt not to anger the Mocker Gods.

Another strategy often employed is to try and fool the Mocker Gods, this is done by actively espousing the virtues and obvious superiority of the team not supported by the fan. This strategy however is fraught with difficulty as the Mockers are not easily fooled, and their ire will be quickly roused.

Appeasement: "This game is going to be a real struggle; there are even matchups all over the field it is not going to be the blow out that some expect." โ€“ Context: one team heavily favored over the other the supporter of the favored team does not wish to raise the ire of the Mocker Gods by espousing their true feelings.

Fool: "Surely Team X must now be considered favorites to win the Cup" โ€“ Context: in a tight contest, somebody may loudly proclaim this in the hope of stirring the Mocker Gods into action against the mentioned team.

by Brabus02 September 26, 2011

Mother mocker

One who mocks his or her mother, often by teasing or imitating her.

Mom: "OOh, Hurry! I don't want to miss 'Dancing with the Stars'!"

CHild: "Oh, no..missing 'Dancing with the Stars' would be tragic. Let's hurry, hurry, hurry--quick as a furry bunny!"

Mom: "Stop being such a mother mocker! It is a good show!"

by kellamity December 5, 2010

disaster mocker

Someone, usually with the first name of Brandon, who mocks disaster victims focusing on flood victims.

Brandon - HaHa that guy died in a flood.

Jeremy - Hey it isn't cool to be a disaster mocker.

Brandon - HaHa some guy died in a mudslide.

Lance - Stop being ignorant about the consequenses of disasters. 6 people die ever 4 decades in floods. That is one persone every 2,439 days.

Brandon - Stop being a flood worrier.

Scott C. - This is no joking matter, my goat died in a flood.

Brandon - Goat roper.

by utes499 May 19, 2011

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Father Mocker

My favorite non-swear word that really isn't one

He`s a real "Father Mocker" that Sean Avery

by Thomas O. December 10, 2008

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cock mocker

see mock cock or cock mock

To see the deffinition of this word follow the directions specified above.

by Justyn Claar, Biatch! June 22, 2005

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