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The only method of killing that Republicans oppose.

There's one way we don't kill people and it's that way!

Mommy didn't have an abortion so I can die in the war like she did.

by talkshow September 1, 2005

2435๐Ÿ‘ 2239๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you play a video game and you get killed right when you spawn.

You spawn
You die right away

Check out this abortion. I keep on dying right when i spawn

by monsterbeatzz May 27, 2009

113๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


The termination of a pregnancy. Abortion, at the very least, needs to be left open as an option in cases of rape (so as not to further victimize the woman by forcing her to carry the child of her assailant), incest, and when the mother's life is in danger (as in an ectopic or tubal pregnancy, which will kill the mother if carried to term). Dangerous "back alley" abortions would also result if abortion were banned completely. An interesting contradiction in terms is that supposed "pro-lifers" also tend to be in favor of the death penalty, and have a real bad habit of shooting doctors and blowing up abortion clinics. It's also very difficult to decide exactly when life begins. By Pro-lifer logic, masturbation would probably also be considered murder, as sperm are technically alive and somewhat human (haploid). What they don't seem to understand is that there's a difference between something that is merely "human" and a full-blown, sentient "person." Admittedly, abortion is despicable when used merely as an alternative form of birth control (instead of the pill or a condom), but it's a woman's right protected under the law.

Diana opted to have an abortion, rather than carry her pregnancy to term.

by cmdrmonkey December 23, 2004

2016๐Ÿ‘ 1991๐Ÿ‘Ž


murder for profit

The doctor liked his position of performing abortions, because there were so many people wanting them, it made him rich.

by stop abortions June 1, 2009

2089๐Ÿ‘ 2110๐Ÿ‘Ž


What Mrs. Trump shouldโ€™ve had

Donald was a failed abortion

by condoms r too small for me March 28, 2019

275๐Ÿ‘ 272๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of terminating a pregnancy.

Many people like to paint abortion as evil and the eqivalent to murdering a fully-developed, conscious human being, which is a delusional argument.

People against abortion are usually religious conservatives that argue that life begins when sperm meets egg. They also argue that every life is predetermined by a higher power, which is a flawed argument because it's really easy to get somebody pregnant, and it was origanally made that way to insure the survival of a species. Once the baby is born, "pro-lifers" then don't care what happens to the child. Most "pro-lifers" don't adopt unwanted children or give money to orphanages. And ironically many "pro-lifers" support unnecessary war, the death penalty, hunting animals for fun and sport, and murdering people on religious grounds. Also a minority of "pro-lifers" take it to an extreme level and bomb abortion clinics and murder abortion clinic doctors and employees.

I'll always maintain the opinion that only the woman carrying the child should be able to choose if she wants to carry the baby to term or not, but I don't think abortion is as bad as everyone makes it out to be. With so many kids in orphanges and a world population of 6.5 billion, and millions of starving people, abortion helps control population, since some people are too stupid to not wear a condom.

One has to ask if people just suddenly stopped having abortions, what would happen to the extra 40 million babies that would be born worldwide each year? This is something "pro-lifers" don't think about.

Whether to have or not have an abortion should be only up to the woman carrying the fetus to decide, not some 80 year old male politicians or the religious fundies.

by starsinthetwilight February 20, 2009

175๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž


Terminating something that usually incomplete and/or unwanted.

In most cases, an abortion is terminating an unwanted pregnancy. Not because the mother wnats to kill the baby, but because she is not ready for a child, doesn't want a child, or some other reason.

Too many abortions have been carried out in back-alley clinics with unsafe methods and ignorant providers. Women have gotten terribly sick and died because of botched abortions.

A fetus has only been in the world for a few months while the mother has been in the world for years. Both would be missed should one of them die, but the mother would be leaving so much should she be lost.

Abortions, contrary to those who oppose it, actually does help children; it reduces the number of abused/neglected children; if the parents didn't want the baby and end up having it, they (the parents) would become frustrated by the fact that they had a child that they didn't intend to have, leading to neglect and abuse of the child. With abortion, the child won't have to endure the abuse.

Too many "oops" babies have been born and life made hard for the child and the parents; it's the contraceptive, abortion, or adoption.

Abortion must be accessible to all and be made safer so that women won't die or become sick from a botched or faulty abortion.

by Lorelili March 20, 2005

283๐Ÿ‘ 282๐Ÿ‘Ž