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MCM Accent

This is the accent people associate with the YouTube show 'Mighty Car Mods'. It is simply, the Australian accent, but it is now being referred to as the 'MCM accent'.

I've been reading all of this in the MCM accent.

by poopypantsdad January 16, 2020

valorant accent

A valorant accent is the accent most of the incels on valorant use

They want to copy sinatraa

Its a low pitched slow-talking cancer way of talking

Random person *misses*

Jett with the valorant accent : "like please just get this nerd of my team"

by laptoplord March 10, 2022

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Accent Fetish

Having a great affinity for people with accents. Any applies, though it's usualy confined to one or two.

~ Accent Fetish at work ~

Danni: "How ya' been?

Figure.10: "I had a dream I was at an Australian boy's school"

Danni: "Ooo, nice"

by Figure.10 May 30, 2009

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Valorant accent

VALORANT Accent is an accent chronically online VALORANT players adopt after they surpass the rank of silver.

It often includes the words/phrases:
"Not even trolling"
"Bottom/top fragger"
"unlucky tbh"
"No shot"
"you're actually braindead kid"

And many more.

Person 1: "Bro this isn't good for you go outside"

VALORANT accent user: "oh my god bro ur actually throwing not even trolling."

Person 1: "You're failing all your classes bro, get your life back together"

VALORANT accent user: "No shot kid you're actually braindead. I'm just having a 20 game, after this I need to go home and stream to my kittens man"

by professionalxboxlivemomfucker November 23, 2022

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accent slut

Woman who finds guys with foreign accents attractive, regardless of who they are or what kind of obnoxious dribble may be emanating from their mouths.

Mike: What does Julie possibly see in a bald, alchoholic, cockney soccer hooligan?
Tome: She's an accent slut dude, no other possible explanation.

by huggybeer July 16, 2009

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American accent

American accents includes a huge variety that differs from state to state, even from borough to borough in nyc. It is not superior or inferior to any other English accents, and is just as beautiful as any other accents. Not all Americans sounds like hicks, and there's nothing wrong with sounding like a hick either.

American accent is colorful. Celebrate diversity!

by Ethanofnyc January 5, 2007

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Heroin accent

The verbal diarrhoea and bizarre speech strong drugs (not necessarily Heroin) cause in bag heads and Chavs.

They slur, stammer, and speak from the back of the throat in a strange, zombie like, and above all LOUD voice, with entirely random emphasis, and a truly stunnin use of the word FUCK in all its forms, used where there should have been a pause. All apparently with absolutely NO self awareness AT ALL!

See Bez from The Happy Mondays for an excellent example!

Man, Im fuckin WELL in fuckin NEED man, fuck, you know what I fuckin MEAN man, lets DO this fuckin place man, come on, fuck it, I dont fuckin give a SHIT me man, you know what I fuckin MEAN man? FUCK! U got any spare CHANGE man? HEY!! FUCK you man FUCK you!! etc etc etc ad nauseum

by ..WiL May 19, 2005

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