Source Code

Agh my leg

When someone in sponge Bob hurts their leg

Sponge Bob was driving his boat as he drove into the Krusty Krab and hits a table that crashed into a customer

Customer: Agh my leg!

by Goth cuck April 10, 2018


An agh-hole or “agh”-hole noun refers to a person/thing who perpetuates drama and tends to run their mouth. They rarely are able to back their words with legitimate facts, and instead change the subject to cover their weak conversation skills. While annoying, they can also provide lots of laughs for those on the sidelines watching someone else deal with the agh-hole.

ex. She is acting like such an agh-hole tonight!

ex .He is always running his gaping agh-hole, saying nonsense.

by DeNada January 18, 2018