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Chips Ahoy

A girl getting simultaneously penetrated by two or more Chippendales dancers. This usually ends with ejaculation on either side of said girl's face.

Oh dear, I can't believe Sister Rose was videotaped getting Chips Ahoyed!

by Ninjas of Love August 16, 2010

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Van Ahoy!

The signal declared by the driver of a minivan to begin claiming seats in said van. Seats that would be claimed consist of the traditional, "Shotgun", as well as the port and starboard "galley" (middle set of seats), and the port and starboard "poopdeck" (far back seats), the middles of the poopdeck and galley are of course called "bitch". In the event of a tie, the first to repeat said position wins the rights to the seat.

"Van Ahoy!"
"port galley"
"starboard galley"
"port poopdeck"
"starboard poopdeck"
"damnit, i'm bitch."

by Ashley "Samurai" February 22, 2006

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Craps Ahoy

taking a crap on a ship at sea. One must announces it's craps ahoy brown anchors away.

Taking a crap while on a ship at sea and exclaiming Craps Ahoy! Let the brown anchors down second mate Mr. Brown Eye.

by Max Power 2.0 September 8, 2010

ahoy hoy

Ahoy hoy was previously a term to greet or get the attention of small sloop-rigged coasting ship or a heavy barge used for freight.

Ahoy = Hello (in Dutch)
Hoy = A small sloop-rigged coasting ship or a heavy barge used for freight

In the 1870's, inventor and Scottish born Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Bell's preferred salutation, Ahoy-hoy was derived from the nautical term above.

It really gained popularity when Mr. Burns used it on the Simpsons a few seasons ago, but the internet has adapted it for use as a common greeting. It's commonly spelled Ahoi hoi online.

When answering a phone or greeting someone:

"Ahoy hoy!"

by NewGotham June 3, 2006

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chicks ahoy!

1). a phrase that can be used to tell your buddies that a potentially good looking group of girls have been spotted while out in a social setting (bar, campus, party, etc.)
2). the name given to a seafaring vessel that has been the source of much controversy, myth, and legend. It is known to have been built in the year 1969, a year that will forever live in minds of sailors and seamen alike. Through many exchanges of hands it has garnered notoriety for being an agile beast, who can untie itself from docks, ruin/deplete bank accounts, and be an endless source of sea tail and hangovers. For these points alone, it will live on in the hearts and minds of those who have boarded its decks and attempted to tame it.

for defintion 1:

person 1: "hey man this bar blows, lets get out of here.."
Person 2: "no way, there's chicks ahoy! at 2 o'clock son"

for definition 2:

BK- "man, the cops just called.. apparently chicks ahoy! is somewhere out on the bay"
TK- "wait wasn't it tied up just last night"?
BK- "yeah I guess it got loose, and now its out sailing around on its own"

by seeeriousowashington February 18, 2009

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Nipples Ahoy!

The act exclaiming the word "Nipples Ahoy!" and proceding by squeezing your nipples, Scremaing or in some Angry way.

Drew: Yo Mike, What's up?
Mike: AAHHHHHHH! *squeezes nipples* NIPPLES AHOY!
Drew: ...cool...

by Drew and Mike March 23, 2010

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Dicks Ahoy

The process of dipping your penis into moist cookie dough and then having your partner gargle it.

Jamal had waited all day for Gabi to Dicks Ahoy him while watching Pokemon.

by dil3mma October 15, 2014

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