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angels and airwaves

shit music made by the man that held blink 182 back. check out +44 cause the fucking pwn A&A.

fag kid #1: hey wanna listen to angels and airwaves?
fag kid #2: yeah and afterwards we can have buttsex!
fag kid #1 YAY!

by john gallione November 12, 2006

146๐Ÿ‘ 222๐Ÿ‘Ž

Angels and Airwaves

Good band. Keeps some old punk style, but now focuses on inspiration. Tom thinks he can change the world with his album. Songs are 5-7 minutes, which are quite long.

Some people call them emo, but I wouldnt say that. They borrow nothing from the former emo trends and they have created their own genre.

Person1: Blink 182 is good! Angels and Airwaves (AVA) SUCKS! SO EMO!
Person2: Blink 182 was messed up with really sick humor and stuff. Its so gay. AVA ROX.
*Person 2 uses mind control device on Person 1*
Person1: Ohhh I get it now. AVA rox! Agreed.

by RevolutionsEnd September 29, 2006

57๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

Angels & Airwaves

A pathetic emo band formed by former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge who believe they are deep, emotional, and important by trying to relate their image to past wars and catastrophes that have happened.

The music they produce is talentless with non-sensical lyrics that suggest how shallow and stupidly thought out the whole concept was.

"Hey! did you go to that Foo Fighters gig at LCCC where Angels & Airwaves got booed off stage?"

"Haha, yeah they really sucked."

by -Ryan-19- June 25, 2006

62๐Ÿ‘ 161๐Ÿ‘Ž

Angels And Airwaves

Only seriously listened to and followed around to boo Tom Delonge off stage, get him to sing Blink-182 songs, yell at him to go back to Blink, and follow the news to see if he decided to take his head out of his ass and realize that he's a serious babe and is not helping anyone with this pathetic excuse for a band. Oh, and nobody really knows/cares about the other members of the band.

This band is in no way "epic" Tom, and the songs aren't that great.

Me: "I saw Angels and Airwaves at Warped, Tom was a real asshole, wasn't funny at all, and his voice sounded worse than usual"

Don't get me wrong, I love Tom's retarded voice, but now it's just dead to me.

asshole bitch angels and airwaves tom delonge

by RayRaythekiwi September 14, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

Angels and Airwaves

a shitty, over rated band fronted by probably the most pretentious assfuck in the world, tom delonge.
while they offer no real musical talent, it is fun to laugh at tom's stage antics, and what makes it even better is that he's being serious.

"angels and airwaves is the best sounding music to come out in 20 years! what little fucker is gonna copy me this year?"
- Tom Delonge on being delusional.

by not clouded by delusion August 11, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

angels and airwaves

shitty emo band that plays soft emo fag music.

Man: Angels and Airwaves is the shittiest band.
Emo kid: *Runs away to slit wrists*

by Stan Lee June 9, 2006

102๐Ÿ‘ 314๐Ÿ‘Ž

Angels And Airwaves

Lame band which copied a lot of stuff from the gods we know today as coheed and cambria.They stole parts of the story line, some riffs and even some of the coheed symbols.Even the shortening of the first letters they stole ( C&C...A&A)

Angels and airwaves are a cheep ripoff. I loathe them because they TRIED to copy the genius of claudio sanchez, Josh eppard, Travis Stever and Mic Todd

by Estrella June 17, 2006

72๐Ÿ‘ 253๐Ÿ‘Ž