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(1030's) term used by black jazzmen, particularly in New Orleans, referring to white jazz musicians, jive people or jitterbugs.

I prefer black jazzmen playing to any alligator when you know it won't do the trick.

by William Warney October 13, 2010

42๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


When your dog looks like an alligator and they proceed to worm around on their back with their snaggle tooth (or teeth) sticking out.

Dang it man your dog is alligatoring again.

by 4_quarters_is_a_dollar January 11, 2021


he will see you later

guy 1: alright, bye dude
guy 2: see you later alligator

by Pairofsocks01 July 28, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


(1930's) term used by black jazzmen, particularly in New Orleans, referring to white jazz musicians, jive people or jitterbugs.

- yo, alligator! Stop double talkin' jive and play it real jazzy!

by William Warney April 8, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A green scaly reptile with sharp teeth and spikes similar to a crocodile native to North America and China, that lives in swamps and brackish streams from Florida in the South to North Carolina in the North and, more recently, Southeastern Virginia in the Great Dismal Swamp near Virginia Beach. The alligator is also my favorite animal. I have a plush green alligator named Leah and several Lego alligator mini-figures. Alligators are a common theme among Mardi Gras souvenirs and somewhat synonymous with the state of Florida, although they are a common staple and mentioned often in Louisiana culture too. A man known as Tommy Woodward stood on the edge of a pond outside a restaurant in Texas and swore at alligators; thereafter jumping in the water before disappearing. Smart people avoid swimming in water where alligators live, though alligators very rarely attack people unprovoked. Still, it's always best to be safe.

Charlie: Hey, Bill, that pond looks sweet and it's so hot; I think I'll go for a swim!
Bill: No man, don't do that, there's an alligator in that pond!
Charlie: Oh thanks man, I thought it was a floating log.

by Alligator King June 13, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

the alligator

When you bite your girl in one breast and spin around like an alligator til the breast fell off

"Hey dude, what are you on trail for?"
"I gave my girl the alligator"

by SqableNock24 August 14, 2021


A house painter's term for a painted surface that has a pattern of heavy cracks in it, resembling alligator skin.

That old basement door should really be stripped, it's got a lot of alligatoring on it.

by Cranky Mommy June 1, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž