A word that can be used whenever and whatever the situation. It can be used during a conversation when you don’t know what to say, not wanting it to be awkward. It can also be used to describe something you feel is positively indescribable.
person 1: “I had massive diarrhea today”
person 2: “amazingly.”
person 1: “look at this drawing i made”
person 2: “wow that looks so amazingly”
these are facts that nobody will pay attention to, because it is amazingly stupid. if you actually look at amazingly stupid real facts, then you probably don't have an A in math.
amazingly stupid real facts is for someone who didn't know that simon and semen are the same thing
It is when people make a random r/technallythetruth thing that is so stupid and nobody needed to know that it gets upvotes even though we don't need that information for life like for example "Humans are humans ".
YOU ARE AN EXAMPLE OF AN Amazingly stupid real facts