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Anarcho-syndicalism, also referred to as revolutionary syndicalism, is a theory of anarchism that views revolutionary industrial unionism or syndicalism as a method for workers in capitalist society to gain control of an economy and thus control influence in broader society.
Syndicalists consider their economic theories a strategy for facilitating worker self-activity and as an alternative co-operative economic system with democratic values and production centered on meeting human needs.

worker A: I believe in equal labor, we don't need greddy boss, we're tired of resisting wage slavery in the capitalist society. We want to be free! Liberation of the working class.
worker B: I agree! Long Live Anarcho-Syndicalism

by joloqs December 14, 2019

46👍 4👎


One that opposes the prevailing status quo and the decline of modern society. Similar to Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of übermensch, it is able to give itself authority based on a higher transcendental inner law.

It is against the Modern State and the Bourgeois Liberal State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Freemasonry, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, LGBT rights, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion. He is skeptical of technology, organized religions and the economy.

The anarcho-aristocrat is truly a superior metaphysical type of man, heroic, intellectual and, above all, spiritually noble.

by tradical September 7, 2022

Anarcho Punk

A type of Punk Rock in which the lyrics are about anarchism and political activism.

Crucifix, Nausea, Chumbawumba, Crass

by jpj February 3, 2004

89👍 10👎


Perception that monotheism is a violation of pagan European traditions. Can take on occultist & antisemitic attributes.

Anarcho-theism views paganism as more than a lifestyle choice - - it is a defense of European culture and pre-Christian heritage.

by sandraxine May 28, 2017

51👍 5👎


A political theory of sensualism that is bounded on the material side by synthetic Marxism and on the metaphysical side by synthetic fascism.

The fourth (and last) theory of politics that involves human will or effection.

Precedes meta-realism, metamodernism, or meta-consciousness.

Also known as 'synthetic realism'.

Technologically distinguished by constructivist (conscious) materialism.

While hyperreal primitivism is a subculture of anarcho-realism, meta-culture is congruent to it.

by sandraxine June 20, 2018


when someone uses their anarchist aesthetics to attract potential sexual partners, usually effortlessly

At the punk show he was dripping in hoes, he has so much anarcho-pull.

by HoodedNuts November 8, 2022


the combination of ‘anarchist’ (prefix “anarcho”) and baddie, someone who is always on fleek and slaying. anarcho-baddies are especially dangerous because they are anarchists but also fucking baddies. they usually also have anarcho-pull

With green hair and patches in her black denim, she’s an absolute anarcho-baddie. She probably read Blessed is the Flame.

by HoodedNuts November 8, 2022