"Ano ne" is a Japanese term which most weebs are familier with.
The English equivalent of "Ano ne" would be something like "You see?" or "You know?".
Weeb1: Ano ne Brian ni chan, I just finished watching that anime you told me to watch desu.
Brian: Cool desu!
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A verbal cue referring to the act of anal fissures
Guy #1 "Hey how did your date go last night?"
Guy #2 "It went great I totally gave her a Jon Ano!"
Guy #1 "Nice!!!"
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cutting calorie intake in half or just not eating at all and working out out like a maniac in order to look good before a big social event.
-"I'm totally going ano the 2 weeks before vegas. I don't wanna look like a whale at the pool."
-"I hope I fit into my halloween costume! I've been eating so much lately."
-Just do what I do and go ano the week before. Yeah we'll be tired, hungry and bitchy but at least we'll be looking good. We get to be THOSE skinny bitches now!"
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Heineken 0.0, the brand's new non-alcoholic brew, because it's a Heinie with two assholes (the zeroes here being anuses, and "dos anos" being Spanish for "two anuses"). A pisstake on Dos Equis ("two Xs").
Barkeep, slide me a couple of Blue Moons and a Dos Anos and keep 'em comin'. I pulled DD duty tonight.
Latin for "sticking it up the ass; term used for butt-fucking or cornholing in old-fashioned books, back when the well-bred knew Latin and hoi polloi didn't.
Intromissio in ano is legally defined as the great crime against nature.
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slang term used by Mexican and Mexican Americans to describe somthing that is outdated and antiquated. Literally (or cliterally) means "year of the stew." The underlying idea is that anyone who heard this would ask "Year of the stew? when was that?" and the reply would be, "so so long ago, no one remembers..."
"Karina stared in horror at the purple sequins skirts we had been given to wear and she said 'these skirts?! these are from el ano del caldo!"
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Brother from another mother. Someone who you aren't related to, but with who you share such a strong friendship you are practically brothers.
I can always rely on my bro fro ano mo. He's got my back.
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