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Ass Master

one who is familiar with asses and their abilities to provide pleasure and to flatuate.

Donald is a total ass master he got with Monika

by Zac Lowe June 22, 2005

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african ass master

a sexual position similar to the doggy style in which case when the male partner is about to cum he starts to brutally slap the females ass like a drum solo

last night my husband gave me an African ass master...now i cant sit down...

by sol badazz July 16, 2011

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ass master flex

one who is a master at flex ones ass muscles!

How you doing ass master flex
yo dude im flexin ma arse yo!
shizzle ma nizzle ass master

by amander March 31, 2005

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meat saber sucking Jedi ass-master

Anyone who has ever refered to themself as a Jedi, dressed up like a Star Wars charater, or can't go more then two seconds without mentioning anything from the Star Wars universe. These lowly creatures can often be found in their parents house watching any or all of the Star Wars movies for the fiftith fucking time this month. Often they can be found in possesion of copeous amounts of memoribilia, especially one of those goddamn plastic light sabers.

My friend at work is cool, but all he ever talks about is Star Wars. What a meat saber sucking Jedi ass-master.

by angryboy July 24, 2006

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master ass

a person who is a cunning ass of the comeback, who knows and can beat the shit out of u using just there words

andrew is a master ass,he can whip kevin with a simple number of words

by andrew robertson January 29, 2008

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Ass Waddling Paddle Master

1. One who has been paddled ferociously to kinky sex, most men who suffer from this will tend to waddle for the next few days.

2. An insult; see: dipshit, moron, retard, etc.

1. The Jewish man bent over for the whopper of a spank "The Ass Waddling Paddle Master".

2. BIG T: "Hey look a turtle!"
Tiffany: "Thats not a turtle its a cloud you fucking Ass Waddling Paddle Master!!!"

by Sir Fuzzmo September 1, 2006

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Super Master Ass Blaster

One who is exceptionally skilled in all types of combat.

Whoa! Bruce Lee was the Super Master Ass Blaster of his time

by The SARS Volta July 18, 2005

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