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1. (Noun): a person who is hired to kill someone for money
2. (Noun): a person who kills someone because they don't like that person
3. (Proper Noun; Fiction(maybe): A member of an ancient order that is at constant war with the Knights Templar, where the largest battles are highlighted by the game series Assassin's Creed.
The first Assassins were Adam and Eve as reveiled in The Truth


Man 1: will you kill this man for me
Woman 1: yes, for $10,000
John Booth, the assassin that killed Abe Lincon
Kid 1: the Assassin's Creed video game is awesome!
Kid 2: ye it is!

by Airhogs 46736732584327565243 November 28, 2011

29👍 7👎


a person who has the reflexes of a cat, balls of steel and a head full of nothing, walks up to or next to a girl(preferably in a public or crowded area) and so fast and quietly slaps the girls ass when she turns to slap or spot the man...he has already vanished into the crowd using ancient blending techniques honed over countless days of playing only assassins creed!

assassin:hey dude wana learn how to assassinate a girls ass? i will teach you the ancient ways of the.......


assassin: but whyyy?

dude: because i have a girl friend and dont slap random girl asses and masturbate to video game chicks... bye!


by Dr maeder November 17, 2010

121👍 43👎


A trained killer hired for money to kill other people.

Assassin is also a song by the rock band Muse, it is probably the heaviest song on their new album

Guy 1:"I'll give you, being an assassin, £300 to kill this guy"
Guy 2: "Just a sec, I'm listening to this awesome song by Muse!"

by Tommy P1313 March 1, 2007

110👍 42👎


as¡¤sas¡¤si¡¤nate¡¤ (¨¡t¡ä)

transitive verb

to murder (esp. a politically important or prominent person) by surprise attack, usually for payment or from zealous belief
to harm or ruin (someone's reputation, etc.), as by slander, vilification, etc.

- your mission is too asses....assiss...assas...TO KILL A GUY (top gun version)

Powerful people fear that someone will try to assassinate them.

by Noka October 31, 2007

29👍 11👎


1) noun. Assassins were first referred to as Hashashins because they were given hashish and taken into a little garden slice of paradise. They were then told that if they died in their lord's service they would automatically return in death to this paradise, and have a harem of women. This was eventually shortened to assassins.
2) Adverb. To whoop some dude's ass with Kungfu grip.

Yo, man, that dude was straight out goin' assassin on them niggaz.

by Andrew December 10, 2002

109👍 59👎


A nation that is sassy.

Joe: That trip was fun, but did you see how sassy the people were?
Bob: I know man that place was a ducking assassination.

Bob: yea, that was an assassination.

by Chjdghxfhjdgk November 21, 2014

13👍 5👎


What one must say after punching someone in the back in Halo, generally followed by a quick session of teabagging.

It was 49-49 and I walked up to the laser tower, assassinated the guy charging his laser while exclaiming "assassinator", and teabagged him as the screen faded to black, giving us the victory.

by JJ3672 March 29, 2008

9👍 3👎