Source Code

Auditors Paradox

A company policy whereby the doors are to remain locked until after the Auditor has left the building results in a paradox in which the auditor is unable to leave the building resulting in continuous audit.

You see if we get the company to send an e-mail saying the doors are to remain locked until the auditors leave it will create an Auditors Paradox, the auditor will be unable to leave the building resulting in continuous billing at an hourly rate in perpetuity.

by JimmyJohn7 August 11, 2008

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Night Auditor

A person, Usually male, that works the 11-7 shift at a hotel. Between weed breaks or "Safety Meetings" this person surfs Youtube, over-posts on Facebook and on occasion actually does something for his employer. This Job requires about 20-30 minutes of labor per 8 hour shift.

That Night Auditor looked sooo stoned.

by KnightAudit June 24, 2014

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World's Best Auditor

1. Noun: Stemming from the non weakness of a DJM and abilities to work multiple Saturday's in a row. 2. verb: The act of performing to a standard just below DJM. 3. Understanding the pronouncements of SOP 81-1 paragraph 65.

Dave has exemplified himself as the "World's Best Auditor" from his ongoing commitment to the slavery of our business.

by World's Worst Auditor March 30, 2005

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first amendment auditor

Someone with no time on her hands, and no job that wants to annoy people

I am a first amendment auditor. And I have nothing better to do.

by Obamagame June 30, 2023

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Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (born 1459) was a Florentine noble during the Italian Renaissance and, unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, a central member and Grand Master of the Assassin's Order. A descendant of AltaΓ―r Ibn-La'Ahad and ancestor to both Desmond Miles and Subject 16, Ezio was unaware of his Assassin heritage until the age of 17, when his father and two brothers, Federico and Petruccio, were murdered. Ezio fled Florence – his birthplace – and took refuge at the Villa Auditore in the Tuscan town of Monteriggioni.

Learning of his heritage from his uncle, Mario Auditore, Ezio begun his Assassin training, as well as his quest for vengeance against the Grand Master of the Templar Order, Rodrigo Borgia, who had ordered the executions of his father and two brothers. During his quest, Ezio managed to not only unite the pages of AltaΓ―r's Codex for the first time since Domenico Auditore, but also to save the cities of Florence, Venice, and later Rome from the Templars' wrath. He ensured the future travels of Christoffa Corombo to the "New World" and, in liberating Rome from Borgia control, helped spread the Renaissance and Assassin ideals of independence and free thought throughout Italy.

Shortly before the death of Rodrigo Borgia in 1503, Ezio was pronounced the Grand Master, or "ll Mentore", of the Assassin Order.

"My name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and like my father and grandfathers before me, I am an Assassin."

―Ezio Auditore da Firenze

by UND34D Legend December 29, 2011

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Achilles, The Frequency Auditor.

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Achilles, The Frequency Auditor.

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 24, 2025

Dear to whomever it has triggered, Achilles, the frequency auditor, born by hand and killed by feet because he was so endowed in the trench that he was laid to rest so a male can portray the rest. Sincerely yours, Angel Jose Robles


Zero: Dear to whomever it has triggered, Achilles, the frequency auditor, born by hand and killed by feet because he was so endowed in the trench that he was laid to rest so a male can portray the rest. Sincerely yours, Angel Jose Robles

by LeSouffleDeVersailles February 17, 2025