I tried crystal meth last week for the first time! it gave me energy, but it also made me completely awkweird…
a situation that generates both awkwardness and weirdness
It was awkweird when John, several years after his divorce from Stepfany, began browsing online dating profiles of available women in his area, and stumbled upon intimate photos of his ex.
A situation that is simultaneously awkward in the traditional sense and weird in another facet making it superfluous to have to say both words.
The French kiss I received from my mother-in-law on my wedding day was quite 'awkweird'
a word for a situation, place, person or thing that is both awkward and weird.
Example:Man that was Awkweird!
Example: did you notice david acting Awkweird at the office today?
Example:I heard that place is all kinds of Awkweird!