A quote from a youtuber and a fortnite streamer nickeh30
"never back down, never give up" - NickEh30
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This saying means to never back down, and to never give up!
If Timothy says, Never back down, Bobert would say, never give up, supporting each other! So saying Never back down never what, never give up! is great!
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It means that you winning in everything against anyone, no man stands a chance.
"If you step on this court with me, I'm going down backs"
" Tay you want me in Madden?" " Man I'll go down your back!"
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The most advance and effective form of ball-tapping.
A move executed from behind, it involves grabbing the balls from between someone's legs, and pulling them "Down, back and then up." The victim should fall forward due to the nature of the attack.
Being a sneak attack, It is extremely effective and easier to pull off than the common ball-tap.
Variations include just a simple "Back and up" move, exactly the same but without the first Down pull. The victim should be lifted into the air before falling forward; this is very humiliating.
Lyman: So I was standing there minding my own business, when that jerk Matt came behind and Down-Back-Up'd me.
Ryan: Ouch man, slap dat ho
Maybe one day we can all go down-back-upping in the woods!