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Back To Back, Salem!

An expression of teamwork, used when there are two people on a team, in any kind of event, against two or more people. Comes from the Xbox 360 game Army Of Two, where there are certain "Back To Back" sequences. During these sequences, the two characters go back to back and start shooting, in order to easily dispatch their enemies, who are usually terrorists. When this happens, sometimes one of the characters, Tyson Rios, shouts "Back To Back, Salem!", Salem being the last name of the other character. This term can be used anytime to imply teamwork.

During a paintball match, everyone except me and Payden were out. I heard him shout "Back To Back, Salem!", and we met up and continued to win the game against 4 other opponents.

by Shaolin Masta January 31, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

back pack back

A person who has excessive back fat to the point where it looks as if they are conceling a back pack in their shirt.

"wow I thought that lady had a back pack on but she is just a back pack back".

by the one they call wonka March 4, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Back to back babies

When you go on maternity leave for a year to keep your job security. And then get pregnant in that same year again and then return to work without saying anything. Once you start showing you ask for maternity leave again to keep your job security in place. This is usually done if you are a lazy manager or employee.

Employee #1: โ€œoh great! Alicia is having back to back babies just so she can even put this job on her resume!โ€

by DOOFUS23 July 27, 2022


The baddest music diss ever published in our generation.

That nigga Meek Mill, went to sleep after he listened to that song back-to-back.
fire diss

by IamblacksoIknow August 28, 2015

13๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

back-to-back jacks

1. In baseball, when two consecutive batters each hit a home run.
2. The act is sitting back-to-back with someone, while giving each other reach-around manual stimulation.

1. "Dude, I went to the Orioles game last night and Roberts and Markakis hit back-to-back jacks!"
"What was the final score?"
"They lost 10-2."

2. Tom and Kevin had some drunken back-to-back jacks last night, claiming it's not gay if they can't see what they're doing

by Castrati July 24, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

back to back technique

when a nigga make you cum multiple times in one or more positions

my man stay having me cum .. his back to back technique strong as fuck .

by camcam813 June 15, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Back to Back Dutch Rudder

When you and another guy go back to back and dutch rudder eachother, therefore it is totally not gay.

Me and Curtis totally Back to Back Dutch Rudder'd last night...it was hot.

by PomplemooseJones February 13, 2010