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backstabbing beach

a "friend" that says horrible things about you that aren't true. she will lie over and over again while smiling to your face. she tells people who you like and she doesn't give a sheet. she is a hypocrite who will accuse you of wrongdoing when it's really her. she is the worst friend you can have because you cant trust her.

bonnie to ally: i hate janet. she is so eugh

*next day*

bonnie: hey janet!! i love you BFF!!!
ally: what a backstabbing beach!

by mr.et December 30, 2011

backstabbing user

a disgusting person that backstabs you, they use you, hurt you, and lead you on. they turn their back on you. you thought you loved them and could trust them, but turns out they are just like the rest.

thomas is such a backstabbing user

by BUBBLEGUMSODA January 24, 2019

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Backstabbing Coward

Someone who pretends to be your friend, but will stab you in the back when given the opportunity. Then when you confront them about it they run away and refuse to explain themselves.

Cory: Matt I thought we were friends!?Why would you go to the supervisor to get me in trouble when the issue could of easily been resolved between us two?!

Matt: I don't want to talk about it. Leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you!

Cory: Wow you are the definition of a Backstabbing Coward!!

by Backflip Guy December 3, 2016

backstabbing bitch

A girl who says she won't go out with her best friend's boyfriend that she had for over a year but still goes out with them.

kim: don't worry i'll have your back i won't go out with him!
heartbroken girl: k thanks love you!
(1 day later)
heartbroken girl: what the fuck! why are you going out with him!
kim: i can't help my feelings for him...
heartbroken girl: FUCK YOU
(heartbroken girl talking to her best friend)
shes a backstabbing bitch!

by lishie May 13, 2008

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Backstabbing bitch

Someone who pretends to be your friend yet at the same time secretly talks to the person you're talking to, without telling you. And even when you ask if this is true, She'll lie straight to your face. Making you out to look like a complete and utter mug.

You: I think it's low to talk to your friends ex, or their link.
"Friend": I would never talk to the same person my friend is talking to.

(1 month later)
Boy: I'm talking to your friend- stop messaging me.
You: she's such a backstabbing bitch.

by G1itt3r987 January 15, 2017

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backstabbing loser

This is a boy who tells you that he loves you, but really he just wants to lead you on and break your heart. This boy will tell you he loves you and then he will go after your friend, just to make you wish that you were closer to him. Your friends will usually know when a guy is a backstabbing loser, but the backstabbing loser will put up a charade that makes you fall more in love with him and then he will rip your heart out and throw it in the dirt. Your friends will warn you about this person, but you will ignore them and go after him and then regret it immediately.

Girl 1" Wow Marcus is such a backstabbing loser, I can't believe that he told you he loved you and then went after that other girl."

Girl 2 " I know right he is such an awful person.

by girlwhohasbeenheartbroken February 11, 2018

backstabbing 'friend'

friend who doesnt care about you and has alterior motives for everything they do that involves you. is always late and has a lame excuse, who blows you off and makes up excuses and doesnt care.

Sarah-Jane and I are supposed to hang out at 415. SJ calls at almost 4 30. Sarah-Jane says maybe 6 o clock?
She calls at almost 6. She doesnt think she'll be able to hang for a while.. to make it up she tries to schedule a sleepover. then says i'll call you by 8 30 to hang out. she doesnt call. you call her. she'll call u by 9. she calls at 9:04. something came up. sleepover and hanging out-CANCELLED. shes with another friend now. and she thinks youre pissed. and almost says it in a joking way.. like: ha ha im so cute. you'll get over it. ha. thanks for the night. bitch. that is a backstabbing friend.

by Katiee June 30, 2005

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