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Hot Ball Game

A word used by Jamaicans representing a party

Book the date fi di hot ball game !!

by anonymous89754 January 3, 2020

Asterisk 9 ball game

New additional rules for 9 ball..

* winning with ball in hand.

-* making a high quality shot you made 50%

** making 9 ball with que ball not on intention

-** making a higher quality shot you made 15%

*** making 9 ball with double kiss

-*** making a 2 ball combination on the 9 ball

****making 9 ball with 2 ball hit not on intention

-**** making a 3 ball combination on the 9 ball

***** making 9 ball with 3 ball hit not on intention

-***** making a 4 ball combination on the 9 ball.

This is my Asterisk 9 ball game rules. Have fun with them.

by Kuehlstein February 22, 2018