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Basking In Fabulosity

This term is most used when someone is peaking in their fabulosity. This term is only used by fabulous people. To elevate the meaning of this phrase, it's possible to add the word "saturated" before fabulosity which means that a person is basking in a concentrated form of fabulosity which is more fabulous than regular fabulousity.

Ex 1.
-"I went to the mall today and got the CUTEST Louis Vuitton purse to match my shoes!"
-"OMG you are totally basking in fabulosity right now"

Ex 2.
-"OMG I just got a new Bentley! It's so shiny!"
-"I wanna ride in it! You must be basking in saturated fabulosity right now!"

by KzN March 10, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Basking Ridge

A smallish disgustingly rich town in New Jersey. Defining characteristics include SUVs, loads of money, and a largely preppy lifestyle.
A good indication that you are a Basking Ridge resident is that when you crashed your mercedes on the turnpike on the way to a Dave Matthews Band concert because you were driving while high, your parents immediately bought you a new BMW.

Everybody wants to get as far away from Basking Ridge as possible for college.

by Liz December 20, 2004

625๐Ÿ‘ 275๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ultra Bask

See Basking
The ultimate version of basking; usually intended, rather than unknowing, by the baskee to show if something takes effort or one cannot be arsed.

Linda: Can you run home and grab my shoes?
Ryan: *Ultra Bask*

by Ryan / Linda February 26, 2009

Basking Ridge

A small, upper class town in Somerset County, New Jersey. About a 45 minute drive outside New York City, although most people opt for the hour long train ride (with Poland Spring bottles full of vodka, of course) to see Dave Matthews. You can tell when you enter Basking Ridge because the only cars you will pass are Mercedes, BMW's, Lexuses, Jags, Jettas and Jeeps... oh yeah, and your occasional Bernards High coke-head in a station wagon, skateboard included. The cops in Basking Ridge don't know what to do with themselves, so traditionally they will find out where a house party is, and wait for everyone to leave instead of break it up because - naturally - everyone drives home drunk, and its alot more fun to hand out DUI's. What's the harm in driving drunk when you can get from anywhere to anywhere in Basking Ridge in under 5 minutes? Real Basking Ridge residents know that the Hills is definately not part of town, but the best parties are usually there... with the exception of "the barn" where beruit, not (dear GOD) beer pong, is played almost every night. Also, if you leave your garage door open, expect to get all your beer stolen out of the standard outside fridge. The Short Hills and Bridgewater Malls are both extremely close, and everyone knows the reason why Bridgewater Mall isn't so trashy anymore is because Basking Ridge kids ran all the Immaculata and Bridgewater kids out. Everyone in Basking Ridge has played soccer at some point, and the high school team will kick everyone's ass. Everyone is high in Basking Ridge... if they didn't smoke in high school, they realized what they were missing and came home in love with weed. This creates an interesting diversity of potheads - the skaters and the preppy kids, the two main social groups. The big mystery of Basking Ridge: why on God's green earth they built a synagouge in the far end of town... there isn't anything but Christians in Basking Ridge. Basking Ridge is a bubble, and proud of it. If you're looking for diversity, go to the Bernardsville apartments. Apparently that's where all the Mexican help lives.
Overall, its a white, Christian, preppy, wealthy little New Jersey bubble, but a great place to live. Everyone appreciates what they have... definately not as snobby as Far Hills or Chatham/Mendham, so all you people that are hating... must be from Bernardsville. Didn't we buy coke off you once in the back of that shitty movie theater you work at?

Basking Ridge is a historic town in New Jersey, which could make it seem boring, but we party harder than you do...

by Your Mom April 24, 2005

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basking ridge

Wow, to say what you've heard so far is completely insane. The people who complain about BAsking Ridge are either emos just looking for a way to hate on their own town or people who just stereo-type it. If college kids want to get out so bad its just because they don't appreciate how lucky they are to live in a wonderful town. THe town is mostly green and historical to its 17th century past. To stereo type this town as a prep or attempted ghetto would be stupid considering most of every where is like that now-a-days. THe town has some really good schools and some incredible programs. Living here is a dream and people who don't appreciate it deserve to be thrown in a desert wasteland and consider that to the "blow hole" of basking ridge.

Basking Ridge is really small and its not much of a tourist attraction, and the Hills is a huge neighborhood that seems to be the only place in town to get lost in.

To describe the kinds of kids, which all the other brats here did. It is a very cliqued society and most people have their own lunch table, club etc.

All in all Basking Ridge is like paradise in the middle of the armpit of AMerica and it feels like it belongs somewhere else. ITs convient for those guys who have a job in New York or Newark. Its an oasis

Basking Ridge is a great opertunity. All kids who where pink and green will fail in life and it sucks that our town is stereo typed by those idiots

by the person who lives October 4, 2006

170๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

basking ridge

Basking Ridge is a rich town, but not as disgustingly rich as you might have heard. It does have some (kinda)poor people. This is a very nice town with very low crime rates, and not everyone has a fancy car. The schools are some of the top in NJ and almost everyone goes to college. This (for me) is the best place on earth, and I'm probebly going to live here the rest of my life.

I obviously live in Basking Ridge

by Yathern March 15, 2007

122๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

basking ridge

preppiest (and probably richest) suburb in new jersey. where the rich-of-the-rich and the preppy-of-the-preppy live. DMB and Coldplay echo through the streets and pink-and-green is worn in generous amounts (on both genders). See preppy and WASP

"Look at those guys sporting pink and green over there. They must be from Basking Ridge"

by so_true June 9, 2005

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