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become satan

a mean drunk, completely changing personality upon the absorption of too much alcohol

doug is normally a sweet guy, but feed him too much jager and he'll become satan.

by michael foolsley November 22, 2009

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becoming real

Moving from a general concept to the inescapably specific.

Seeing a face he knew on the front page of The Times, the first nurse in New York to die of the virus, it was becoming real, no longer a statistic, and other faces would follow.

by Monkey's Dad March 27, 2020

become a Jamal

The act of going into a Kingdom of Saudi Arabia consulate on a foreign soil and exit into 15 equal pieces.

I'll become a Jamal if I criticize MBS decisions.

by iceWarior15 October 12, 2018

become a pokemon

To be on acid and tripping.

Usually, to be tripping balls, having an intense trip, reaching the peak of your acid trip.

Acid will make you become a pokemon = acid will make u trip balls
2 hours after I dropped some, i was already a pokemon = 2 hours after i dropped some i was already tripping balls
Those two girls are pokemon af = Those two girls are tripping af

by azn kidd June 22, 2017

become femme

A hot and horny Submissive transsexual femme girl who just Can’t Control herself and is dying to meet, date and satisfy new hung alpha males While in the meanwhile she is receiving absolute pleasure from her male partner

A : OMG, is that john? I remember he was always Unhappy with his appearance and wanted to be free and live his dream life, But I thought he was joking.
B : Nope, as you can see he was quite serious. Now everybody calls her Joanna. He has become such an adorable femme girl, Always surrounded by lots of hot guys.
A : Yes. I can clearly see that since she had become femme she is in seventh heaven .

by Turned snd transformed October 24, 2020

“Becoming a Woman”

When a girl gets her first menstrual period

Jessica got her first period, so she’s “becoming a woman”.

by SpinningOwl October 9, 2017

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Become a Man

you become a man when you turn 32.

I turned 18 and became a women, when i turned 32 i become a man.

by Your_pseudonym57 May 21, 2017

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