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lezzy bezzy

The male best friend of a lesbian. Often wrongly assumed to be going out with her or to be gay himself. The male equivalent of a fag hag

Are you joking? Katie's gay, Tom's just her lezzy bezzy

by jgf101 August 7, 2010

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Bezzie from another rezzie

Someone who is your best friend from another residence

She doesn't live in my village but she's my best friend. Therefore she's my Bezzie from another rezzie

by T2 bus banter October 4, 2016

tu es mon bezzie?

Are you my bezzie? in french.
literal translation: you are my bezzie.
oftenly used when you go up to a random person, say it really strangely and leave them bemused and somewhat scared.

guy: TU ES MON BEZZIE??????
random: stay away from me, freak.

by stallwood123 March 14, 2008

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It’s like Betty, a version of the word bet, but more neurodivergent ig.

Guy: wanna get crunk tn?
Other guy: Bezzy!

by Hampture June 18, 2024