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A birb is a bird that consumes many sed.

person "hey birb, wan some sed"
birb " yeh"
person "oops" *drops sed in the bin*
birb *crys*

by PurplUnicorn November 22, 2018

153πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A birb is a bird doing or acting funny and cute, birb is funny because of its misspelling for bird, Bir-D and Bir-B.

The birb founds a monies!

by xXRamZterXx November 30, 2017

155πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Majestic flying chirping creature

That birb flew straight into that truck

by The smartest persona September 8, 2018

80πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The slang term for a bird

"oh my god Donna look at the blue bird in the tree."
"Oh my, the birb had babies, im gonna call this one Bob."

by Birb life November 23, 2016

153πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


A tiny flying dinosaur.

- You: What is birb?
- Me: Yes.
- You: Understood.

by OnlyAfterHours March 5, 2022


Vibing, but for birbs. It can also be a term used for when a birb is doing something weird or funny, but adorable.

Person 1: Dude, what's your bird doing? He's just sitting there.

Person 2: Nah, he's just Birbing.

by [Error 69] May 25, 2020


The weird peanut looking motherfathers with the flappity flaps that help them fly. They have ice cream cones for mouthes and they’re loud and sometimes really annoying but some people like them and keep them as pets

Omg look at the birb!

by Derp wants cheez May 14, 2020