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Party Bison

while at partys you occasionally notice a woman of defined body and stature of a bison.

Party bison are more often than not sexually aggressive, although appearing lethargic. after 3 smirnoff ices they try to spend the night with drunkened male party-goers who have drank far more than her. parties don't have to be limited to one bison, there may be many in a single room.

Charles T: "Did you watch that party bison wander into the Brewery?"

M. Boskey: "yeah, im pretty sure Donny hooked up with her"

by Sailing Away January 31, 2011

bison poop

bison antiquus, sometimes called the โ€œancient bisonโ€, was the most common large herbivore of the north american continent for over ten thousand years, and is a direct ancestor of the living american bison. however, even ten thousand years ago, they still had a bunghole. yes, ancient bison pooped. their poop is an important source of nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium, and magnesium for plants and animals. without it, natural prairies would stop flourishing and become NONEXISTENT. fun fact: it dries and becomes a rock in 7 days!

example 1: bison poop is sometimes referred to as "nik-nik".

example 2: dung beetles have unique ways to decompose a bison patty.
example 3: bison feces is shaped like a swirly-shaped circle.

by maifingfongtable:))))) April 22, 2020

clitty bison

A Clitty Bison is a rare breed of frog that is native to Mt Everest. It is often found in the higher regions and has been sighted as high as 8,300m. Originally sighted in 2008 by Ewan Melville (British) there has since been a reported 17 sightings of the Clitty Bison.

Since it's discovery, the Clitty Bison has been occasionally used as an insult referring to those who are inappropriate.

Eg "Mitch, you can't say that you Clitty Bison"

I can't believe we were lucky enough to see a Clitty Bison

by Meek H February 21, 2014

Sky Bison

See Appa.



M. Bison

1. (noun): One of the Main Villains in the popular Street Fighter franchise. In America, this is the name of the Dictator that runs the evil coroporation known as Shadaloo. In Japan, this is the name of the Boxer also known as Balrog in America, hence "Mike" Bison, who is based on boxer Mike Tyson.

2. (verb): In a fighting game, namely Street Fighter, this means to go easy on your opponent in the first round of a match, then unleash your full potential for the rest of said match. Coined from when fighting the Dictator as the final boss in Street Fighter II, the A.I. will go easy on the player in the first round, then unleash all Hell upon him/her afterwards. Note that in online play of any fighting game, this is a risky maneuver to try, namely because you don't know the capabilities of your opponents, and that if you succeed in pulling it off, you may make the loser RageQuit and sob all over their now-broken controller because you have raised their hopes of winning, then effectively demolished them.

1. M. Bison in Japan is the boxer that looks like Mike Tyson, and in America, he is the dictator who everybody else in the game wants to kill.

2. New Player: YES! I won the first round!

Veteran Player: Good Job! Now I don't have to hold back!

Frightened New Player: Wait, Wha-

*Veteran Player destroys the shit out of New Player*


by BlackTAP118 August 14, 2011

40๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gooch Bison

The bison living in the area between your balls and asshole.

I have a herd of 20 gooch bison living on my taint.

by nismoKPS13 April 10, 2006

68๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

ayy bison

Used to express approval or satisfaction of a positive situation or good news.
Pronounced: ey bahy sahn

Teacher: No homework for the weekend!
Student: Ayy Bison!

by slingblade12345 February 28, 2014

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž