Source Code


BUZZ KILL-some one who puts a damper on your good time
commonly used with the sound and hand gesture to disguise the name calling (bzzzzzz+ a clap of your hands: as if you were killing a bug)

jim your such a bk, why do you always have to ruin the fun?

by mellyx0 May 7, 2008

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A bad kid. One who lacks leetness. A noob.

Dominic put Nos on his Automatic 94 Civic with 300,000 miles, lol what a bk.

by xJacob December 15, 2006

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Short for "buzz kill". Things aren't going your way.

Guy 1 - That cop took my dank and said I could go home.
Guy 2 - You're lucky.
Guy 1 - Yeah, but it's a bk that I can't get baked before I watch the Passion of the Christ.

by Drew Carlson January 26, 2008

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beefy clitoris in this case the "c" is substituted for a "k"

Eric said georgie had a bk!

by immajerk June 20, 2009

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an extremely bad kid. Usually used in the game of halo

wow ur such a bk! u can't even BXR n00b

by nish licker June 5, 2007

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a bad kid. an exclusive club. full of exclusive benifits. when you are a bk you do certain things like fall of picnic tables and throw stickers on the ground and stick the back part on. bk fo life.

matt-"wheres my board dude"
ryan + will-"what a bk"
no you cannot be a bk. you are a lk (lonely kid) and a fk (fat kid).

by pleef January 14, 2008

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stands for Bankstown which is found in sydney australia
originated from the cops area code stuff,
all tha cop cars in bankstown got bk1234(some number)
not particuly a copy of the term BK(meanin brooklyn)

hey man u wanna go to bk today
in bk you get roled a few times

by Calvin June 15, 2006

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