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A black person that is also an asshole.

A: That nigga just robbed me
B: What a blackhole!

by El Bartooooo May 11, 2011

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Blackhole sun

Soundgarden's best known song. Also, the best "Fuck the world" song ever written.

Hang my head, drown my fear, till you all just dissapear
Blackhole sun won't you come and wash away the rain.

by Wtf donut August 7, 2009

66πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

youtube blackhole

where you go to youtube expecting to watch the video you went there for, but you then proceed to get lured into clicking on video after video from that damn "related video" side bar until you are fully hypnotized by youtube. and before you know it, hours have past and you sit there saying to yourself "how the hell did I go from watching puppies to chicks kicking hobos in the balls?"

Bob; yo dude why didnt you text me back last night?
Me; Sorry bro, i got sucked into a youtube blackhole and before i knew it, it was 4am.

by yungbl00d January 31, 2014

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Alabama Blackhole

When two guys are doing the same chick in the ass at the same time and the'yre all cousins.

Guy 1: You hear about Dayrl and Bill?

Guy 2: Ya i heard they give their cousin cindy the old alabama blackhole

by mrfleshwound July 4, 2009

42πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

drama blackhole

In reference to a person that attracts drama with the strength of a black hole. Especially if it's about interpersonal issues.

"My ex has turned into a total drama blackhole! She's talking trash to my friends!"

by thegoodex November 23, 2009

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Atomic Blackhole

When 2 guys are fucking the same chick and she turns around and you throw hot clam chowder on her face...kinda like a atomic black hole.

Billy and Joe gave Brittany a really soupy atomic blackhole.

by ArtWheatley February 23, 2014

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blackhole kiss

When two people spread their butt cheeks apart and put their booty holes together to kiss.

Did you hear about Tate and lipscomb bragging about doing blackhole kiss in the tunnel that’s when they spread their asses apart and touch booty holes together

by Vlmiclo October 12, 2021