A hoooobJgan bLAMER is a person that blames someone for a color and attack them for wearing that wrong color that they don't get alone with a GanbJsta rider on a bike is a tipe of hoooobJgan that ride by shooting at they target. In the streets over gun CRIMES against other GanbJsta 's on the blocks shame shame shame on hoooobJgan bLAMER 's.BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD Jr.
Yep I blame and im NOT a shame hoooobJgan blamer's don't really like gang bangers.BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD Jr.
Dude you are so a Blamer-asian there is more in your wood pile than just black.
This situation only occurs after someone has spent the biggest part of the week drinking and smoking there way into a crucial hunger.
This sets up for the type of hunger that can demolish a 12 pack of Tacos, 3 burrito Supreme, and a 2 liter of RC cola.
After a 16 hour power nap this person is awakened nearly to be taken to the Emergency Room due to the 14-20 inch Shark attack they call a bowel movement.
It's undeniable to when the Blamer presents itself.....
As it finds the bottom of the toilet bowl only to be turned around and forced to climb back up as to accuse you for letting this happen.
Looking down after giving one Hell of a sweat. I realize.....the Blamer was right.....this was definitely my fault.
Blaming someone without knowing the facts
My boss got so mad at Mark. He was blamering at him eventhough Mark had done his part.