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A legend, hero. Comes from Yargles (Bog=God).

That dude is Boggin!

by Uncle Yusuf January 19, 2004

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Moss Boggin

Anal intercourse with an anus lacking cleanliness and a pleasing appearance. Hair, lint, and dingle berries are usually present as well as an offensive odor. Upon retraction from the anus one will usually find trace amounts of Peat Moss on their penis.

Man, last night I was feeding it to The Fat Smelly Girl. I was balls deep, Moss Boggin for hours....It was Filthy.

by G-T-G-Benny May 15, 2011

Mud boggin

When you put it in their butt and they shit themselves

I took my girl mud boggin last night.

by Lmao4x March 12, 2016

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mean boggin'

The next level above creepin. To creepily look at a person, with a mean look on your face.

That nigga was mean boggin' when he saw me drive by with his ex.

by BabyBibs&CombatBoots August 5, 2011

peach boggin

The time you spend exhausting yourself with, doing things for and being around a woman with a peach shaped ass. Effort you never regret

We’ve not hung out Dave in 3 months but it’s okay, he’s peach boggin.

by Whatscrappinin November 23, 2019

Kentucky Mud Boggin

When a man gets a blowjob from a girl with a dip in

I’m going Kentucky Mud Boggin with my girlfriend tonight.

by DemondHarp October 18, 2018


Act of t-boggination. Mud riding with T-Boggers. To T-Bogginate.

Lets go t-boggin in that mud whole down in the valley.

by butler742 October 19, 2010

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