Source Code

big box, little box, cardboard fish

Alteration of "Big Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard Box" routine - coined at Gosport Youth Festival '08 by group of overexcited metalheads high on the band Leviathan...

They totally geeked out and bombed into the "Big Box, Little Box, Cardboard Fish" routine!!

by cardboard*fish*girl July 11, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

A Box of Biscuits, A Box of Mixed Biscuits, and a Biscuit Mixer

An old theatre tongue twister. Used as a way to warm up the tongue before a show, it has gained notoriety recently due to Cards Against Humanity, and it has been difficult to for people to say to this day.

Bailey tried to say A Box of Biscuits, A Box of Mixed Biscuits, and a Biscuit Mixer for ten minutes earlier.

by ALSAT December 18, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

A Box of Biscuits, A Box of Mixed Biscuits, and a Biscuit Mixer

1. An old theatre warmup that became such a notoriously difficult tongue-twister, that even Cards Against Humanity uses it as one of their cards.

2. A phrase to say whenever one of your friends is tongue-tied, to remind them just how bad at saying words in their own language they are.

Bailey cannot say A Box of Biscuits, A Box of Mixed Biscuits, and a Biscuit Mixer, let us all point and laugh!

by ALSAT January 6, 2021

it is a box used as a sounding box transmitting music from radio stations

computer, music, sounds

my stereo has got two good souding boxes. they have 100 W. oh, it's doulby stereo too.

by Jefferson Coimbra December 10, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

box on box

lesbian sexual activity.

I was watching some porn...box on box.

by meables01 October 12, 2017

New box / lazy box/ shitty box / turd box

The newly added "new box, also known as lazy box, also known as shitty box, also known as turd box. .

Use it like this. Why is this dude jumping up shitty box( New box / lazy box/ shitty box / turd box) ??!!

by X!ON July 26, 2024

Box box

A motorsports phrase used by the pitcher or team engineer to let the driver know when they need to make a pitstop


by Breaking dancing on cardboard August 6, 2021