Source Code


A style of guitar riff used in Hardcore (punk) music that consists of a single note being chugged slowly for maximum heaviness and brutality. Different rhythms and numbers of strums are used in a repeated fashion for usually 2 to 4 bars in length. Written equilivent: JUD-JUD, JUD-JUD, JUDJUDJUDJUD, JUD-JUD, JUD-JUD ...and so forth.

Great for hardcore dancing.

That's a fucking brutal breakdown!

by Straight Up February 20, 2004

732๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž


The reason my neck is in a brace right now.

Dude were you at August burns red's concert last night?

Yeah man, on the 3rd breakdown of back burner, i was run over in a mosh pit. but it was fucking worth it cause breakdowns are fucking sick.


137๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


a guitar rhythm usually played in metalcore gigs made up of the tabs 1010101100101010

Jimmy: did you hear brown tounges new song?!?

Benny: yeah! the breakdown is made up of 1's and 0's!

chug mosh breakdowns metalcore tabs slams

by straya m8 November 18, 2015


A form of rhythmic, percussion-heavy musical passage used commonly in the Hardcore, Metalcore, Deathcore and Grindcore genres. They mostly consist of rhythmic guitar riffs in time with bass drum beats, often with the crash cymbal playing eighth strokes.

Primarily a live device, due to the heaviness achieved, they are often used to whip the crowd into a frenzy, and often incite frantic moshing/hardcore dancing.

Also a term for going batshit insane.

2:55 in Elysia's "Filthy" is probably the best example of a breakdown, that :47 passage is pretty much their reason for existing. Other awesome breakdowns include Carnifex's "Collaborating Like Killers" (1:25 for pretty much the rest of the four minute song) and Killwhitneydead's "Put A Sock In It" (1:40).

Also notable is Suicide Silence's No Pity For A Coward, which has two consecutive, yet obviously individual breakdowns.

by All_Of_Life_Decays January 1, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


the best thing that ever happend to music since... the creation of music

Person #1: Dude, get ready, here it comes, I hope I don't get any teeth knocked out in this one.
Person #2: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...BREAKDOWN!
Person #1: (After the BREAKDOWN!) Dude, u totally gave me a welt on my left eye.
Person #2: Sorry dude, i get kinda gaytarded while moshing sometimes.
Person #1: Its okay...its a br00tal welt anyway, it totally makes me look soooo much cooler.

by Ms.Anthropy April 19, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Extremely sexy style of guitar riff used in modern Hardcore music, usually very slow, very brutal, and very orgasmic. like my friend NGspot says, "There's beauty in the Breakdown"

Some bands with some sexy breakdowns?
Remembering Never, Symphony in Peril, Norma Jean, and One Must Fall.

There are many more, but i'm sure you can figure that out.

Commonly said whilst listening to said hardcore bands:

NGspot: Holy fuck, Call triple A!

Me: Why?

NGspot: There's about to be a BREAKDOWN! *turns up the volume*

*group orgasm*

by FallenZer0 July 9, 2005

48๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sexual act in which the female breaks down in tears on the males dick to be used as lube for later use

My friend at homecoming was having a breakdown

by InFamousBreakdown October 29, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž