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Broadband Hand

RSI injury sustained to the hand due to prolonged pleasuring of one’s self whilst surfing the interweb.

1 - My hand is killing me!
2 - Why's that?
1 - Broadband hand innit, was on bigotters.com too long!

by FLANMJF October 26, 2005

5👍 1👎

broadband penis

Premature ejaculation. When connected to a portal, download only takes a few seconds

Paula: How was it with Bagsy last night?

Sarah: Bloody useless. The guy has broadband penis, so it was over as soon it started

by CAMRA man July 2, 2011

5👍 1👎

DSL broadband

DSL broadband.....is one step further from DSL (which is collectively known as dick suckin lips)

dude...that chick didnt just have those dsl......she had dsl broadband

by mike valo March 6, 2008

19👍 14👎

Elite Broadband

This word specifically refers to a fucking useless internet company. The company headquarters is proven to be a dodgy homeless shelter behind a convenient store. A string connected between 2 soup cans can transmit data better than this so-called internet company.

I feel like I have no purpose in this world...

If you ever feel useless, remember that Elite broadband has "Elite" in their name.

by $19 dollar footnote card November 25, 2021

Broadband Hell

The place where Internet connection quality (coverage, speed, and stability) is extremely abysmal.

Indon, U$A, and €urope, whether if it's part of EU or not are the examples of broadband hell.
In AmeriKKKunt, the Internet coverage is extremely low
In €urope, even horse can send message faster than the chatting apps
Indon-NIGGA? Whoa, it's the worst of AmeriKKKunt and €urope in one

by Sir. B November 27, 2021

Broadband Bundle

A slang word for a homosexual.

Jake: Have you seen that new teacher, he's such a broadband bundle.
Josh: Yeah he's so bent.

by JakeB_YT December 5, 2018

Baja Broadband

An New Mexico internet service provider that is less than or equal to a potato

My friend has an internet provider, Baja Broadband, that is equal to a potato, just like hughesnet

by Supermegaultrabriskicedteacow December 29, 2015