How West-Philadelphians pronounce brookie
Uhhhhhhhh, I'll get a wuder ice & a brokie
Someone who opens a brokerage account at the bank while andrew tates money printer pumps money into the account which invests into meme stock on stock market.
Andrew Tate: you're a brokie!!
Me: yeah i just opened a brokerage account, thanks for the free money
A thief that steals other people's stuff. Typically found in low-income housing.
Don't live there...that brokie on the block gon' get you.
Someone who thinks he needs to get a job interview to succeed in life, and likes to suck up to people. A person who has not had at least 4 sports cars in their life that go 0-60 in less than 4 seconds. Otherwise you are considered a sincere brokie.
If you are a brokie stick to job interviews )))
How west-philadelphians pronounce the word brookie
*Looks at menu*
Uhhhhhh, I'll get a wuder ice and a brokie
A broke and hating fuck nigga.
Also known as Jamario.
That brokie is always talking shit and hating on innocent people.