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A bugger is someone who is a little shit but you love them endlessly. They will tickle you just to hear your laugh and they will tell you a joke when you’re mad. When you’re sad, they will tell you stories about how your future with them. Everyone should have a bugger in their life. When you look into their brown eyes, you see so much love and kindness. Buggers are very handsome and any girl would be lucky to call him mine. They give great cuddles and kisses and he will watch a funny movie with you just to imitate the main character. A lot of times, buggers don’t think they are perfect because well, they think they’re buggers. But the lucky person that gets to spend every day with them knows that they are full of love and are definitely the perfect man. He is funny but also thoughtful, goofy but also lovable and perfect but also handsome. Once you have a bugger you never let him go because there is never another bugger out there like him. You go to bed excited for him to say good morning when you wake up and when your bugger says “I love you”, make sure you love them back with all your heart and soul because they are your best friend for life.

Pookie-“I’m so lucky to have a bugger in my life
Friend-“ wow! You have a bugger?!”
Pookie-“oh yeah I do and you can’t have him because I’m never letting him go”

by Pookiebug May 3, 2018


British slang.

<i>vb.</i> the act of committing sodomy
<i>n.</i> person who commits sodmoy (n.), ie. has anal intercourse.

It is generally used about an annoying person or situation.

Bugger off (get lost).
Stop buggering me.
My boss is a bugger and a half.
Oh bugger (something went wrong).

by Tom March 23, 2004

287👍 176👎


Australian, derived from buggering, which means anal intercourse. Now mostly used as a slang word as an exclamation of surprise or discontent. May be used to refer to a creature or human.

Discontent: Well I'll be buggered!, Disappointment: Oh bugger me, Referal to friend or colleague: The stupid bugger, Anal sex: Oh he buggered me all night

by Scott June 26, 2004

671👍 445👎


N. A person or animal, often a small one, such as a child or small pet. Frequently prefaced by "little."

American slang (particularly rural), not to be confused with the British cuss word.

He's a cute little bugger.
She's a tough little bugger.

by Sxeptomaniac September 24, 2005

406👍 266👎


Buggeration: A term used to describe a feeling of absolute crap but with a hint of light-hearted optimism.

"Darling I just lost my job".

by Chel Dorado September 3, 2008

23👍 10👎


An exclamation to a really bad occurence

Oh bugger, I got my nose caught in the toaster again

by Rob Tucker July 18, 2003

452👍 305👎


1. Someones whos well tired
2. Someone who gets sexualy assualted
3. Someone whos in trouble

1. "fuck off, im to buggered to do that"
2. That Leanne got buggered by me
3. oh no that kids buggered now he's shitted in that germans hand!

by ReDDo December 4, 2003

129👍 81👎