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80 years ago or so, Burrito did not exist in the spanish vocabulary. It was a word invented by anglo-americans. Why? Long ago, mexicans would carry their tacos on donkeys to sell to the anglo-american tourist that came to TJ. Anglos started to say " burrito" because the spanish word " burro" means donkey, and now most hispanic and anglo-americans believes burrito is an acutal word. Now a days, mexicans have adapted the word burrito into their vocab. Even though it does not exist in the language system in mexico.

In reality, there is many words to describe a specific taco a person would want in mexico.
What we call burrito in america is called " taco" in mexico. A tortilla wraped with anything.
Tacos sold at taco stands in TJ are called " taquitos"
Tacos sold in del-taco or taco bell do not exist and you will never find them in mexico.
Tacos that are hard shelled and rolled into guacamole or other sauses are called " tacos dorados"
Other tacos are called...flautas.
Many words to many different types of tacos but never called burrito in mexico. Other than TJ and some northern parts of mexico due to Anglo-american tourists.

by Gerico Ortiz May 28, 2005

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The act of wrapping someone up tightly in a blanket so that they are fully constrained and then proceeding to fuck their face

I totally burrito-ed that chick!

by tofujones January 2, 2010

194๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The act of wrapping oneself in a blanket and spending a few therapeutic hours doing... NOTHING!!!

2. Rolling around of a floor in said blanket yelling out spanish words.

1."Oh hey what are you doing tonight?"
"Y'know, the usual. Rolling up in a blanket and burritoing the night away."

2. "Tacos! Fiesta! Por favour!"
"Hey, man! What are you doing?"
"Oh I'm burritoing."

by Ginger and Sexaaaaay July 20, 2013

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A brown guy/girl that wears Ed Hardy, Abercrombie, etc. and uses a shit load of hair product in an effort to resemble a Guido/Guidette.

Note - a 'Burrito' is male and a 'Burritette' is female.

Who brought Pauly D?" "Nah, that's just Hardik Singh." "Ah, a burrito."

by The Hick & The Brown Guy March 21, 2011

67๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

the burrito

when you and your homie try to become a human burrito with one blanket, in an empty house at 12:44am. the idea is to roll together and become one burrito.

bro letโ€™s do the burrito.

by dr. smiski November 9, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


fucking best food ever

"holy shit this burrito is good"

by burrito123 October 20, 2018


Georgia prison slang for a meal made from Ramen noodles, crushed chips and crackers, and whatever else the inmate can find to add, usually food stolen from the prison kitchen or other items available in the prison store. Also called a "Hot Pocket" or just "pocket". Usually cooked in a potato chip bag or for larger burritos, a garbage bag, and wrapped in a towel or blanket to keep it hot as it cooks.

"we all kicked down and made one big burrito"

by georgiaff December 2, 2006

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