Source Code

Burro Bandit

Mexican Outlaws on Donkeys.

The Burro Bandits charged across the border to Illegally pick the Lettuce of Freedom

by jerk store October 13, 2022

Burro Chair

A chair for a jackass.

Trent doesn't work hard at all. He's been sitting in the burro chair for hours.

by A-A-Ron22 December 4, 2016

burro effect

The mental and physical trauma that occurs to a person as a result of being a third wheel in a date between said third wheel's friend and date. Usually involving Burro and popcorn.

"Wren said she wanted popcorn, and when I got back she said she didn't even want popcorn, she just didn't want me to be here."
"Damn that, the burro effect. That got me dun fucked up."

by Rickydaeus December 9, 2015

burro punch

Un golpe al culo de la novia que causa tension en el ano de la novia. Este acto le da mucha satisfaccion al novio. Que bueno!

"Cuno! Otro burro punch! Mierda!"

by Pancho Casualidad March 6, 2004

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tres burros

The gay three-way version of donkey style.

After a night of watching Rent and eating Mexican food, the logical conclusion was to end the night doing some tres burros.

by ectofunky December 27, 2011

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Fail Burro

The mexican version of "fail boat" or "fail train."

"Hey, do you hang with Jose?"
"No! he rides the fail burro."

by orang"u"tang February 18, 2009

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seeing the burro

The moment that first sip of morning coffee hits the brain of a caffeineaholic when they are groffy. Reference Columbian Coffee advert icon Juan Valdez and his burro.

(seeing person literally come alive again from grogginess with the caffeine rush of FCOTD) "Yep, she's seeing the burro now!"

by lafftur January 21, 2010

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