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The ultimate insult. It may be redundant and repetitive, but it does the job well.

Man you are such a buttass!

Shut up buttass!

I hate you!

by i_am_not_zane September 23, 2020


a fat ass

wow that guys buttass is huge

by Kooze21 April 25, 2022


Probably the most harmless insult ever conceived by the English language. It combines two insults that aren't offensive into one supreme inoffensive word. Make fun of anyone who says this seriously.

Bill: Stop being such a Buttass, Tom!
Tom: Did you seriously call me a fucking Buttass. Go die.

by verloreN September 22, 2014


When you eat ass while butt naked with a penis in your ass

bro Is it weird that I wanna be buttassed?

by Stallian August 15, 2022