A simple cake or baked treat that is not made for birthdays or special occasions.
E.g. Lemon drizzle, sponge, poppy seed, carrot cake etc.
I baked a day cake for tea this afternoon.
Having a cake when it is not your birthday.
Daddy, can I have a Day Cake?
14th of April is cake and cunting day
Woman: What's a month after steak and blowjob day?
Man: cake and cunting day !!
National Chocolate Cake Day is on January 27. On this day you are free to eat as much chocolate cake as you want. Even if it means you might throw up.
“Hey did you hear what todays national holiday is?” “Yea isn’t it national chocolate cake day?”
If you have a best friend than give him his well-deserved cake on November 15th!
It is November 14th i have to bake a cake because tomorrow is, .Make your best Friend (m) a Cake day
If you have a best friend than give him his well-deserved cake on November 15th!
Make your best Friend (m) a Cake day
A moment during or after a stressful time in which you take a break and eat something you love ( like cake)
It doesnt have to be cake, it can be cookies, pastries, or just cream and berries. It can be deepfried creamfilled and covered in chocolate or a tiny carrot cake cupcake for all we care. If it helps you relax because everybody need a cake day.
In reference to the white collar office non birthday
Because frankly, everybody needs a cake day