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Bussy chakra

The chakra of the famous word BUSSY

That Bussy chakra be hittin

by bussy boi February 23, 2022

Chakra hun

A chakra hun is a fine spiritual girl, who believes in God & the universe, frequencies etc.

“She calls herself a chakra hun, she might be toxic

by olendaaamtshali April 17, 2022

5👍 5👎

cock blocking chakra

A song performed by the band Classy Smut about a tube sock wearing lesbian who is still in the closet.

That veterinarian has a cock blocking chakra.

by jakethesnake63 November 25, 2011

Chakra Attack

This is a talk show in Grand theft auto 5. It feature some psycho dude that's always screaming as well as a 20-25 year old girl.

Honestly, I find the show Chakra Attack to be kinda annoying.

by Retard_Ryan March 6, 2023

Chakra Honey

A person that is a total hippie but has a flair of attractive physical qualities that matches with their vibe.

-She's a total babe. A chakra honey with all those stones and dreamcatchers.
-Chakra Honeys in the droves at crystal shops bro.

by Higher Vibes My Dude March 11, 2022

Barker Chakra Precision

- the power to control the hardness of ones rock hard nigga cock

bruh this guy used the barker chakra precision method in a fight

by Iyahxsisive November 8, 2020


seems to be a form of electron flow through the body effecting you attraction in the world


by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023