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This person is very smart and GORGEOUS. She is very easily loved and very sweet. People are attracted by her loving and beautiful hair. When people hear her name they faint for love and jelously

Person 1: Hey I saw CHRISTINE the other day
Person 2: overhears *faints*

by Banana (purple) February 13, 2009

4066πŸ‘ 1515πŸ‘Ž


Christine from the word Christian, also from the Greek word Christos.

my name is Christine! with an 'E' not Christina with an 'A'! why do people always call me the one with the 'A'.

by oxcab August 11, 2006

3291πŸ‘ 1205πŸ‘Ž


Christine is a one of a kind. She fills up a room with love and joy every time she walks in. She never fails to let anyone know whose boss.She’s an excellent mother figure and deserves all the love and respect any one can give her.

Happy Mother’s Day Christine!
your the best mom anyone could ask for!

by dododo_.dora May 9, 2021

33πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


'a girl that is very very crazy, her nickname is TINE, she has many chismis (gossip) and is very marites, she may kind, nice, pretty, and very landi to many babae (flirty to girls) and she already has jowa (in a relationship) but still landi to others in a fun way, even if she is like that she is still the most prettiest, perfect person in this world

Friend: si christine ba yan?? HOYYY!!! TINE!!
christine: ay alam moba...

by boboakoprngikw March 14, 2022

33πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


Always beautiful. Usually a trap for the shy guys. However, most men do not attempt to approach this woman because her beauty and coolness are intimidating. The Christine is smoking hot and very friendly. Usually from California.

"check out that girl, is she a Christine??"
"no, her name's Vicky."
"oh...then f**k that sh**. let's get outta here and find ourselves some Christines."
"Hell to the yeah."

by JazzHands October 24, 2009

2559πŸ‘ 1130πŸ‘Ž


At first meeting, Christine may be shy and appear cold in front of strangers but once you get to know her, she is a very chill person to talk to. Christine is smart, intelligent and artistic. She always put her 120% in everything and never give up easily when face with a difficult situation, and that simply because she is limitless. When a Christine is passionate in something, no one can stop her. Not only that, she is very kind to those who are kind to her and display her love through her actions to her friends. If you have a Christine, please pat her on the shoulder and give her a hug as she deserves it.

Christine is always learning something new.

by Cinnamun-chan November 17, 2022

20πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


Christine is usually cute asf and is the best girlfriend ever she is hot and cold. Christine likes sweet guys who will make her feel like she’s in a movie.

Man I love that girl Christine

by Tinetine November 24, 2021

25πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž