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Slang for cool, dope, hype, fire, etc. Popularized by @smd.kms on TikTok at the request of her father who created the slang term.

Did you see Charli XCX’s virtual concert last night? It was so cinnamon.

by queercash November 21, 2020

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Cinnamon is a combination of Indian and Black, similar to basian. Usually TJ is referred to as cinnamon.

"You just hate me beacuse im cinnamon"

by Will Hester October 9, 2005

20πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


1. the term used before telling your broski at what time you see an attractive female; refering to if your friend was an imaginary clock, the girl is in the direction where the hour hand would be facing
2. a code word when you see an attractive female

"Dude cinnamon 6."

(friend turns around and see's girl)

"Dayummm nice one, thanks bro."

by lefty31t October 11, 2011

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Cinnamon, Cinnamoning, Cinnamons, Cinnamoned:

(Verb) The act of shoving sand paper up someone's anus and collecting the residue - resembling that of cinnamon - to add flavor to your freshly toasted toast.


(Noun) The residue that results from a long night of cinnamoning.

"Would you like any toast?"

"Yeah sure. Do you have any cinnamon left from last night?"

"Yeah, we cinnamoned for at least 2 hours, so we have at least a jar full."

"Are you down to cinnamon tonight?"


by MrBubbls February 24, 2013

8πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


It is someone who is bitchy but yet has a good and funny personality once you get to know her. She is someone who is more like Christina Yang more that Meredith Grey nah sayin. So she live a great life to become a cardiortheratics surgeon and will soon loose their bestfriend because you get a job oppertunity halfway across the country and you and your best friend will lose your connection and never talk to each other because it is not the same talking over the phone especially when your best friends husband died in a car accidents and you really can’t explain that over the phone because you are wayyy to sad. So overall she had a complicated yet reasonable life.

Cinnamon is a nice person.

by Sdbdbrbfbf March 19, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A name given to someone who is known for devious sexual actions. Deriving from a unalarming term used to warn others of a sexual deviant coming near. Rapists and pedophiles are a prime example of someone to call "cinnamon".

"Cinnamon": Hey you guys.
Student: OMG! Cinnamon!

Boy: Cinnamon! Everybody watch out!
Girl: Thanks!

by westside66 August 20, 2014

6πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Cinnamon Roll

A character that is very kind and sweet but faces more hardship and suffering than they truly deserve. Comes from the usage of an article headline from 'The Onion' titled 'Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure.' to describe a person or character that is very good but faces a lot of pain in their life.

Percy Jackson fan and tumblrite: OMG, Nico di Angelo is such a cinnamon roll! I hope things turn out okay for him in the next book....

by Tumblrite237 June 29, 2015

2621πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž