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Clamping your vagina shut.

I walked into my sisters room and she was cleeping herself.

by Tipsy Tommy March 3, 2018

4👍 14👎


A new york term for a vape or e cig

Yo, pass the cleep.

by demisux July 18, 2023


Squirting, when you are in the bed and you squirt. Or, when your orange juice cleeps.

I just cleeped so hard. Aw man, my apple juice just cleeped!

by nickisyes_ March 18, 2021


another word for sleeping but better

"if you cleep to little somebody will come for you"

by acee_0fspades July 26, 2022


Sleep but with a c

Sorry I missed your call. I was cleeping.

by Holla caust April 25, 2021


The most powerful virtual collective known to gaming.

The Cleep gang is raiding our village, there's no hope

by 1804RZ November 25, 2022


A furry supporter

Ew look it's a cleep

by BabbyBooty April 9, 2021